Isaiah Forty is an international Christian ministry. We’re from many denominations, but what unites us is a deep love for guiding people to spiritual and emotional health. You’ll find us throughout North America counselling, teaching, praying, and coaching, all from the conviction that God offers healing and wholeness to people at all stages and conditions of life.
We see in the project of healing and wholeness the task of making disciples (cf. Matthew 28:20). But, on the basis of that same Christian commitment, Isaiah Forty offers services to people of any faith or none at all (cf. Matthew 5:14-16).
We see in our work the movement of the Holy Spirit. But it’s also made possible by many who see in Isaiah Forty the work of God and have decided to give their time and their money so that we might offer our services to those who can only afford very little.
These ongoing relationships of monthly donations and Ministry Partnership mean that these people might continue to find the healing and wholeness they need.
Isaiah Forty is led by our Board of Directors, our President, and our Executive Team.
Isaiah Forty was established in 1991 by Vina Sweetman, a woman of extraordinary prayer and with a gift for teaching people from all walks of life. At the time, it was little more than an extension of her existing ministry of counselling and teaching. But, under her leadership, Isaiah Forty started a counselling center in Montreal, which would become our base of operations, and began a circuit of conferences—many of which we continue to this day—leading people into healing and wholeness.
In 201, Vina went to be with the Lord. But her work as continued. Since then, we’ve continued to grow, both in Canada and throughout the world.
We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired word of God.
We believe that God made us in his image.
We believe that, through the power of the Holy Spirit, the presence of the risen Jesus is living and active in the world, healing and guiding us to wholeness.
We believe that our whole person—body, soul, and spirit—is to be cared for and called into maturity in Christ.